Monday, January 28, 2019

Services Selection Board (SSB) Process...

Services Selection Board (SSB)  Process...

Services Selection Board (SSB) is a 5 days process of testing a candidate to find whether he/she fits in the armed forces or not. It is conducted in two stages. The first stage is the screening where a bunch of candidates who reported in front of the board gets through a series of tests and assessors filter out the candidates who will further go for stage two. The candidates retained for stage two testing will be tested for another 4 days where they undergo various tests under various techniques.

As every test or interview has a syllabus, SSB has OLQs as its syllabus. The candidates are tested against 15 OLQs (Officer Like Qualities). We will discuss about all OLQs in detail in a separate post. Now here we will understand what all happens on Screening Day i.e., Day 1.

Many candidates have a nightmare about Screening because if you are not able to clear Screening, you will not be allowed to stay for next 4 days and you will be sent back to home the same day. This is because the percentage of candidates screened in is only 15-20% against the total no. of candidates reported. And it is reason why a tough competition is seen at this stage.

The following tests are conducted on the very first day of screening:-

  1.           Verbal Intelligence Test
  2.        Non Verbal Intelligence Test 
  3.       Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PPDT)

Let’s talk about Intelligence tests. This is the very first test at SSB. Here, a booklet is given comprising of several verbal and non verbal questions (no. of questions may vary from SSB to SSB and so as the time). We will discuss the type of question that comes into the intelligence test later. According to the performance of the candidate in the Intelligence test, OIR (Officer Intelligence Rating) is decided by the assessors. The OIR Rating varies from 1 to 5 as per performance in the test by the candidate. It has a very vital role in selection of a candidate through Stage 1.

Then comes the main test of screening i.e., PPDT which is very popular among the candidates who prepare for SSB. Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT) is conducted in two phases, first Picture Perception and second Group Discussion. Here, the candidates are shown a hazy picture for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds, the picture will disappear. During these 30 seconds, the candidates have to observe the picture carefully. Then they are given 1 minute to figure out various details in accordance with the picture shown like no. of  characters, age, gender, mood and action. The details to be write by the candidate at the required space in the sheet provided. After that, 4 minutes are given to the candidates to write a story as per their perception of the picture shown. The story should include three parts,

  •       What has led to the situation?
  •       What is currently happening?
  •       What is the likely outcome of the situation?

After the 4 minutes of story writing sheets are taken from the candidates and then they are divided into groups of 15-18 each for the second phase i.e., Group Discussion

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